Our 20s & 30s Community Group will be serving our community by helping out at Elk Grove Food Bank! It will involve helping them with duties that include but are not limited to: sorting food,...
Let’s kick off December with popcorn, candy and the classic movie, Home Alone! The movie will start at 7pm, popcorn and candy will be provided. WEAR: your comfy pajamas and favorite Christmas...
Calling all 20s & 30s, we’re hosting pizza and a salad bar for dinner, a night of JackBox TV games, and Cookie Potluck! We’ll gather upstairs in the Foundry at LifePointe. Bring: a...
If you’re 50 years or better, join us for dinner. Each course is at a new location — you won’t want to miss the fun! We will meet at LifePointe at 5pm. From there we will split into...
Enjoy food, conversation, and shopping! The Moms Group is hosting a used KIDS clothing and book sale. All proceeds will be donated to Starting Point, a non-profit organization providing for the needs...
Come play large group games and meet other adults in their 20s-30s at our community group launch event! Free childcare upon request – Infants through 12 yrs NOTE: children will be served light...
If you are 50+ years, join us upstairs in the Auditorium to watch Disney’s Jungle Cruise, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson & Emily Blunt. FREE Event – please register!...
If you are 50+ years, join the Voyagers for a fun night of team trivia and a potluck taco bar! We’ll gather upstairs in The Foundry at LifePointe. Bring the following taco ingredient based on...
A GriefShare* seminar that brings hope and help as you process your grief and think about what life might look like after the loss of your spouse. As you know, the death of a spouse brings a unique...