The mental health crisis is one we, the Church, cannot afford to ignore.

The topic of “mental and emotional health” is trending across churches. Yet due to a lack of education and training, churches have historically been ill equipped in mental health support. The goal here at LifePointe is to move mental and emotional health from a silent, stigmatized confusion to a practical, grace-filled solution; for you to receive real and lasting help to conquer anxiety, depression, burn-out, addiction, control and more in your own life. Our hope is to equip you with simple, helpful resources and support, that integrate science and our faith in Jesus Christ.

Millions are searching for help, and with the right tools, the Church can be one of the main pillars for mental health support. We hope at LifePointe that we can be a church that heals.


This group is designed to provide a safe place to address issues of mental health through a biblical and psychologically-sound path of healing. This group will provide practical solutions for overcoming stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional challenges; to reduce symptoms of mental health difficulties, aid in overall mental health recovery, build community, and grow in your faith.

Our next group starts Monday, August 26.


Download a PDF of Mental Health Resources with links – includes organizations, counseling resources, support groups, books, apps, and more…


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