Saturday, March 13, 2021
1:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Calling all 7th-12th grade gamers, we’re hosting a Street Fighter 2 gaming tournament at LifePointe!*
Cost: $5/student (snacks & dinner provided)
Deadline to register: March 12
Enter our raffle and win prizes!
Prizes include gift cards, hammocks, and an original PlayStation 1 with built-in screen! Attendees will get 1 raffle ticket at the door, more can be bought for $1 per ticket, OR $10 for 12 tickets)
All proceeds going to a Sacramento based non-profit called Capital Community Athletics (CCA). CCA seeks to help refugees by building community primarily through children’s athletics!**
* This event will be held inside the LifePointe auditorium in a socially-distant manner. Adherence to social distancing protocols and wearing face masks will be required to attend this event.