Sunday, December 15, 2019
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Come and join the Kids for a Christmas Musical. Celebrate Jesus’ birthday and praise Him!
Matthew 21:16 “From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise.”
The kids will perform three songs on Sunday, December 15 during our third service (11:15am). Then they will perform the musical later that evening at 4pm in the Auditorium.
Kids ages 5 years – 6th grade. Kids age 4 yrs will be welcome at a portion of the last two rehearsals (Dec 1 & Dec 8) for a special part in the program.
Rehearsals are required EVERY Sunday, October 27 to December 8, at 1-2:30pm. PLUS one additional rehearsal on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 at 10am-12pm in the Auditorium.
Rehearsals are in Room 102 (except Dec 14 in the Auditorium)
Julie Le:
Karen Bass:
Emily Baughman:
Darla Blanton:
**PLEASE be sure to have your children eat lunch and use the bathroom before arriving for practice!**
Click “REGISTER” to sign up your child to participate