Saturday, February 29, 2020
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
We get to live in freedom and hope and peace because we get Jesus. But we tend to accidentally put our hope in things other than Jesus – kids, jobs, goals – and then we look up and wonder: “Is there more than this? Is this really the life and peace Jesus promised me?” What if Jesus has already made good on His promise of life and peace but we are missing it?
At IF:Gathering 2020, we’re going back to the main thing – JESUS. Join us as we come together to remind each other of the freedom we have in Him, the way of life and peace, and the glory that has been promised for our future.
$30 – Standard price (includes lunch)
$25 – Student price (High School age, includes lunch)
Event Details
The format is a mix of Christian leaders speaking on video, as well as live speaking and sharing from some of our very own LifePointe members. We offer a light continental breakfast Saturday morning. For lunch, we will serve Panera boxed lunches and snacks in the late afternoon. We also provide coffee, tea, bottled water and soda throughout the day.
*This is an approximate schedule and may shift slightly as the the event draws near.